Its true!
I've extended our T-Shirt pre-orders until Friday but that's it! You can place your order over here at our shirt shop -
Choose any shirt/design you want and we'll print it. Pretty fantastic! My personal favorite is the new Amharic T's and I can't wait to see those printed!
I've extended our T-Shirt pre-orders until Friday but that's it! You can place your order over here at our shirt shop -
Choose any shirt/design you want and we'll print it. Pretty fantastic! My personal favorite is the new Amharic T's and I can't wait to see those printed!
David and I were talking yesterday about how close we are to being completely funded. When we started this process just 10.5 months ago I remember feeling overwhelmed yet confident that God would provide. He has. Through some of you. Through people I never would have imagined. He has used so many of you to bless us, to grow us, to challenge us, and to completely knock our socks off. We're so incredibly grateful. To be just over $6,000 away from being completely funded is so humbling. I wrote a tiny bit about what God has been doing in my heart here.
What an AWESOME God we serve! A HUGE Thank you to everyone that has supported this adoption, our family, and for helping bring our little girl home.
What an AWESOME God we serve! A HUGE Thank you to everyone that has supported this adoption, our family, and for helping bring our little girl home.
Here's the details on the new design remake on our Where You Live T's!
On the front instead of world wide orphan facts we have son, daughter, sister, brother, love, family, belong, and children. A perfect example of adoption and becoming a family. This would be perfect for families bringing their children home and airport welcomes!
On the back is All For One and One For All. This is how we feel about our journey to bring little Zahra home. So many of you who have helped work with us to that end. Soon our little girl will be home forever. Inside Africa is all the words that are also on the front but they are in Amharic which is the native tongue for most Ethiopians. :)

Our Shirt Shop Link again -
This pre-order is for the Where You Live Design, All For One Design, Audience of One and our Shut Your Pie Hole designs.
In blue/turquoise on either espresso or black.
Red/White on either black or charcoal.

I'm wearing the slub long sleeve T in black with white and David is wearing the Where You Live T in Olive.
Where You Live Fitted T's in Teal, Scarlett, and Plum.
Baseball T in Indigo!
I have limited availability on these.
Our family sporting a few of our shirt designs.

A few color references -
Top right to left - charcoal, water, olive
Bottom right to left - persimmon, gray, cream.

Information for pre-ordering is located in our shirt shop! If you have any questions email me or leave me a comment.
On the front instead of world wide orphan facts we have son, daughter, sister, brother, love, family, belong, and children. A perfect example of adoption and becoming a family. This would be perfect for families bringing their children home and airport welcomes!
On the back is All For One and One For All. This is how we feel about our journey to bring little Zahra home. So many of you who have helped work with us to that end. Soon our little girl will be home forever. Inside Africa is all the words that are also on the front but they are in Amharic which is the native tongue for most Ethiopians. :)

Our Shirt Shop Link again -
This pre-order is for the Where You Live Design, All For One Design, Audience of One and our Shut Your Pie Hole designs.

I have limited availability on these.

A few color references -
Top right to left - charcoal, water, olive
Bottom right to left - persimmon, gray, cream.
Information for pre-ordering is located in our shirt shop! If you have any questions email me or leave me a comment.
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